Events & Updates
On October 7, 2013, the struggle through parole hearings came to an end after 15 years. Our struggle for justice had really been ongoing for 38 years, 8 months and 18 days. Ron’s murderer passed to his just rewards for the lives he took and the destruction he left. Ron’s family and I may now find some peace in knowing we have done all that we could do under the circumstances that were laid before us. Ron’s loss can never be answered for; a young life snuffed out far too soon, but the legacy he left through his story, our memories, the Park, The Ron Parker Scholarship will be built on and there-in lies our hope for the future. Read More or Video
On average, one law enforcement officer is killed in the line of duty somewhere in the United States every 53 hours. Since the first known line-of-duty death in 1786, more than 24,188 U.S. law enforcement officers have made the ultimate sacrifice
January 9th ....N.E. Florida C.O.P.S. Dinner - Jacksonville, Florida Flagler College
January 10th ....50th Memorial & Officer Parker Scholarship Luncheon
January 11th ..Flagler Tour - Family Dinner
Lightner Tour - Family Dinner
January 12th . Graveside Service - St. Augustine, Florida
Luncheon - Sonny's BBQ
January the 10th, 2025 will be the 50th Annual Officer Ron Parker Memorial Day. To mark this day we will be having a 4 day event celebrating the life of Officer Parker, for his family, friends and community. We all know that it is not how he died, but rather how he lived that brings forth this celebration and he still continues to serve his community, his state, & his Law Enforcement community.
Previous Updates
A Police Officer's Prayer
author unknown
Oh Almighty God,
Whose Great Power And Eternal
Wisdom Embraces The Universe,
Watch Over All Policemen and
Law Enforcement Officers.
Protect Them From Harm
In The Performance Of Their Duty
To Stop Crime, Robberies,
Riots And Violence.
We Pray, Help Them Keep
Our Streets And Homes Safe
Day And Night.
We Recommend Them To
Your Loving Care
Because Their Duty Is Dangerous.
Grant Them Your Unending Strength And
Courage In Their Daily Assignments.
Dear God, Protect These
Brave Men & Women,
Grant Them Your Almighty
Unite Them Safely With Their
Families After Duty Has Ended.
A Police Woman's Prayer
Oh lord, I am a woman, not a man,
I am a Mother not a Dad,
I am a wife with responsibilities that men have never had,
I need understanding from all my peers,
that I am not here to take away a man's job,
I am doing it because I care.
I took the job to enforce the law,
to do my part in the fight to have justice FOR ALL.
To be professional, to make a career, Great Lord,
help me when they say I should not be here.
I work the long hours, face all the dangers
and do the same things that they do
in law enforcement matters,
Grant me the respect like the others, for I am one.
Set aside for every other one, Lord,
being a policewoman is the most challenging job I have ever done,
be with me on my daily run, as you are with us all,
I thank you for the ability to enforce the law.
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